AmigaActive (939/2143)

Date:11 May 2000 at 21:22:16
Subject:Hard drive - HELP!!!

Well, I didn't see my message go through, so please forgive me if this is a
repeat, but I need HELP!!!!

Last night I picked up a Western Digital 13.6gb Ultra ATA EIDE drive. The
thing powers up nicely and my Amiga recognizes it....but:

First of all, my setup:

-- Amiga 4000 desktop w/2MB chip RAM, 12MB fast RAM on motherboard

-- GVP/Tekmagic 4060/50 accelerator w/128MB fast RAM and SCSI, nothing
attached to SCSI

-- 2.1GB Western Digital hard drive on scsi.device [the IDE controller, that
is] configured to "Master." It has x partitions with sizes of APPROXIMATELY
12MB, 450MB, 700MB, and 1GB, all work fine.

-- 13.6GB drive is configured to "Slave."

There are NO system/WB hacks.

Now, the problems:
1) The Amiga, via both the new HDToolBox and HDInstTools, only recognizes it
as an 8GB drive.

2) The Amiga refuses to format any partitions after about 2GB. That is -- I
can have a 2GB partition on it, but after that any partitions won't format;
I get an "error -3" message telling me to make sure that the correct disk is
inserted, and I get a "BAD" icon for each remaining partition. It also will
do the same thing if the partition is more than 2GB.

Now...I use OS 3.5 (with DOpus 5.82 in WBR) and PFS 3 with the latest patch.
Both of these are
supposed to be able to handle drives and partitions MUCH larger than this.
But I still seem to be getting the 4.3GB limit!

What should I be doing?

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